There are more than 750 million active users on facebook. 50% are logged in on any given day, and 250 million users currently access facebook via their mobiles. All users taking advantage of the way facebook is run in their own unique way. Or maybe not so unique. These are the likely types of facebook users you may come across.

The Sleazebags and Skanks: These are the ones that advertise themselves with photos down their tops, only underwear, topless or nude. Most often a self taken mirror photo. They will like pages and comment on walls asking girls/guys to add them for some fun, generally with a wink at the end. They will have multitudes of facebook friends, most, if not all, will be after them for sexual means, the way they advertised themselves.
Con-Artists/Scammers/Spammers: Fake profiles that may cause you to get a computer virus, pay money on something that isn't even real, or post thousands posts that will lead them to scams.
Once in a Blue Mooners: These are the people that probably didn't even make the page themselves, but somebody else made it for them, and occasionally they'll be bothered enough to actually come on and make a couple of posts.
Entrepreneurs: Individuals and groups that sell clothes, bodies, jewellery, crafts, accessories and etcetera.
Realists: People that make sense, but take everything maybe a little too literally, probably won't give self taken photos a go, take no bullsh**, only say what's real or don't say much at all.
5 Minute Updaters: You know, the ones you have to hide all posts from because they just can't quit making status updates, and naturally 99% of those statuses are useless, random quotes or facts or song lyrics that nobody *actually* cares to see in their news feed.
Gamers: They constantly annoy every friend to add games such as farmville, yoville, mafia wars, and the list goes on. They may not know 50% or more people on their account, but they are near the top of the ladder when it comes to the games statistics.
Art Freaks: These guys will have a lot of artsy photos, such as close up flowers, skies, horizons, you name it, they'll do it. Maybe they aren't such a great photographer but more the writer type, so will post numbers of poetry, short stories, blogs all on facebook.
Sheep: There is a news flash on the news, another celebrity dead! This person is guaranteed to make a mention in a status. Earthquake a long way away, this type of user will definitely have a status for it. Their statuses and posts will mainly consist of whats in or whats being talked about now. Even if it's just about the goddamn weather.
Heavy Saturday Night Uploaders: So you were out at a party late lastnight. First thing in the morning, "You have been tagged in 37 photos". They will make sure to upload photos within 24 hours of taking them.
Wankers: The fact of the matter is.. I mean this literally. The ones that steal random girls photos, place them onto sites for men, where they may or may not use them for later personal use ;) This is the type you want to keep any slightly revealing photo from, unless it makes you feel loved I suppose haha. Gross!

So assuming you're also using facebook right now, how many of these types have you already thought of, seen in action or hidden posts from, thanks to their natural annoying bad-mannerisms when it comes to facebooking.
And just wait for the next blog post in line: How to use facebook without losing friends.