The average pass rate for a practical driving assessment in Perth city is 49%, therefore suggesting that it's always going to be less than half the chance that you will actually pass the test.
Some people manage to pass on first attempt, this doesn't mean they're better drivers, they too may hoon around, cause accidents or lose their licenses. But for the other 50% failures, some people are stuck forking out money for a 4th or 5th attempt, some it takes even more attempts. Each time costing $71.80 to sit another test. It's like a money scam, for the 50% of fails, that is another 50% paying another $71.80, and then if they happen to fall under the 50% that fail on their next attempt, another $71.80.
If you're 17 years of age and you go for a practical driving assessment and fail you are expected to fork out another $71.80, seriously how many 17 year olds have all the money to spend freely, unless they dropped out of school and got a job, had the help from parents, or do easy subjects in year twelve and hold down a steady job. It's highly unlikely that they would have the money. This doesn't make them a bad driver, nor does it make them a great driver, but if you're able to afford to re-take a test in a matter of weeks or even a month, aren't you more likely to pass?
The least the licensing centres could do is have the 3rd attempt and onward at a lower price, even $50. But instead they run a money making business, passing or failing based on their own decisions, some people are let off for doing thing's incorrectly and others are pinpointed for every smidgen of an error that they make.
Is it really fair that only 49% pass, what is the point of 25+ hours in logbooks, if it's so damned hard to get the logbook in the first place, I would have driven way over 25 hours in driving lessons as it is.
Just because your assessor is having a bad day, hates your style, whatever.. does not mean you should be "destined to fail", they should understand that much like a sick child, when people are in the nervous state of a test, they too will fall back one step from their normal skills, etc.
Good luck passing your driving test people, just remember the likelihood of you actually passing is already against your favor!
Statistics based according to the following news website:
Monday, December 12, 2011
Friday, August 12, 2011
The lUsers of Facebook
There are more than 750 million active users on facebook. 50% are logged in on any given day, and 250 million users currently access facebook via their mobiles. All users taking advantage of the way facebook is run in their own unique way. Or maybe not so unique. These are the likely types of facebook users you may come across.

The Sleazebags and Skanks: These are the ones that advertise themselves with photos down their tops, only underwear, topless or nude. Most often a self taken mirror photo. They will like pages and comment on walls asking girls/guys to add them for some fun, generally with a wink at the end. They will have multitudes of facebook friends, most, if not all, will be after them for sexual means, the way they advertised themselves.
Con-Artists/Scammers/Spammers: Fake profiles that may cause you to get a computer virus, pay money on something that isn't even real, or post thousands posts that will lead them to scams.
Once in a Blue Mooners: These are the people that probably didn't even make the page themselves, but somebody else made it for them, and occasionally they'll be bothered enough to actually come on and make a couple of posts.
Entrepreneurs: Individuals and groups that sell clothes, bodies, jewellery, crafts, accessories and etcetera.
Realists: People that make sense, but take everything maybe a little too literally, probably won't give self taken photos a go, take no bullsh**, only say what's real or don't say much at all.
5 Minute Updaters: You know, the ones you have to hide all posts from because they just can't quit making status updates, and naturally 99% of those statuses are useless, random quotes or facts or song lyrics that nobody *actually* cares to see in their news feed.
Gamers: They constantly annoy every friend to add games such as farmville, yoville, mafia wars, and the list goes on. They may not know 50% or more people on their account, but they are near the top of the ladder when it comes to the games statistics.
Art Freaks: These guys will have a lot of artsy photos, such as close up flowers, skies, horizons, you name it, they'll do it. Maybe they aren't such a great photographer but more the writer type, so will post numbers of poetry, short stories, blogs all on facebook.
Sheep: There is a news flash on the news, another celebrity dead! This person is guaranteed to make a mention in a status. Earthquake a long way away, this type of user will definitely have a status for it. Their statuses and posts will mainly consist of whats in or whats being talked about now. Even if it's just about the goddamn weather.
Heavy Saturday Night Uploaders: So you were out at a party late lastnight. First thing in the morning, "You have been tagged in 37 photos". They will make sure to upload photos within 24 hours of taking them.
Wankers: The fact of the matter is.. I mean this literally. The ones that steal random girls photos, place them onto sites for men, where they may or may not use them for later personal use ;) This is the type you want to keep any slightly revealing photo from, unless it makes you feel loved I suppose haha. Gross!

So assuming you're also using facebook right now, how many of these types have you already thought of, seen in action or hidden posts from, thanks to their natural annoying bad-mannerisms when it comes to facebooking.
And just wait for the next blog post in line: How to use facebook without losing friends.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Beating an Argument into the Dirt & Pouring it Down the Sink
"To Not Conclude an Argument is to Waste Time"
Learn to Argue effectively without being a total prat and hurting the other person or wasting time.
First of all: Remember this is someone you love and care deeply about. They have feelings, and they get hurt just like you do. It might be someone you have to work with or a family member, so the best way to finish an argument is to come to an agreement that leaves both people happy. Keep a goal to the argument, otherwise you will never fix it. Respect this person and keep calm, because after this argument you both want to be able to talk and have fun together without questioning what insults or whatnot were said during the heat of the argument. Better yet avoid the heat, keep it cool and both glide through the argument to the point of resolution and closing the argument.
Assume: When you assume, you "Make and ASS of U and ME". Do not make assumptions, do not assume the worst. If the other person says something with two meanings one that is good and one that is bad, they probably meant the good one. Assuming they mean the bad one is leading you down a bad path and argument. So leave assumptions out of it, as best as you can. Don't assume they're aspring to hurt you either.
Running Away: Unless there is violence or mental abuse, don't run away from the argument. Don't shut the person out, cover your ears and go "lalala", don't hang up on them, or disappear. If you need some fresh air. Go for a walk around the block a few times, come back and hopefully then you have both thought enough to sort it out. Just don't completely ignore or run away from the argument, this will not fix or solve the issue, it will prolong it or even make it worse. Tell the other person you need to calm down, go for a walk, and then once you're both calmer try to discuss the issue again. Do not try to bury the argument this will not solve it.
Public Arguing: Do not argue in public, if there is a problem try to get somewhere private as soon as possible! It makes it hard on people around, and can alter how each individual in the argument will behave. Same applies for open to the public/friends social networks such as the wall or status on facebook.
Cyber Arguing: Arguing through chat, social network sites, private messaging or chat. Don't do it. Things are misunderstood and can cause further argument. It is best to talk in person, over the phone and a fine line allows texting because some problems can be resolved in this way. Also messaging/any typing argument means yes you think more about what you say, but you also both talk over each other and don't really read/hear what the other is saying.
Insults: Do not name call, stereotype, categorise each other, do not blame it on the whole gender, it's between two people not the world. Name-calling will stick with someone even after an argument, it also veers away from the actual problem and can result in endless words that aren't really to do with the problem that caused the argument.
Pointless Arguments: Things you can't change should not be fought about. If you partner has a good looking boss, get over it, they're with you. If you hate their parent, get over it, it's their parent. Until they start saying how attractive their boss is. Then it's no issue.
Talking Over Each Other: This is the stupidest way to argue, nothing is heard or understood. First one speaks, then the other should not be retaliating with their side to the argument, they need to listen, understand and repeat their understanding of the issue. Before you can refute an argument, you need to understand the other persons point of view, stop disclosing it as something stupid that doesn't matter, if it matters to them, then it matters and needs to solved. Without understanding each other one or both may feel like there is no resolution, which can cause resentment.
Winning the Argument: An argument is not about who wins and who loses, who has to apologise and who doesn't. The aim is to come out of the argument both happy and alive, to feel that you have both come to an agreement or negotiation, that there is a conclusion that works for both people. Do not aim to win. Aim to close the argument without either one feeling unheard, unappreciated, resentment.
Comparing to Others: Do not compare the other person to anyone else, treat them as an individual, not "You're just like my Ex", really try to avoid the Ex word COMPLETELY. Do not class a male as just bein male or a female as just being a female, he or she is an individual with his/her own beliefs, values and opinions. Don't bring other people into the argument, if you are arguing about someone, then it shouldn't be an argument between you two, just a resolution and an apology.
Breaking Up/Divorce/Getting a new Friend: Do not threaten with breaking up or divorce, if you will over something, then do it. If you need them to understand it's something that is against your values, morals, etc then you probably should say that. Same applies for saying I could get another bf/gf/best friend/etc, it's a threat and it's hurtful.
Going to Bed Angry: Another no-no, this will lead to a bad nights sleep and the possibility of resentment following through to the next day, whatever you have to do, both should try to let the argument subside, kiss and make up then go to sleep.
Making Patterns: Avoid using the word "Always", when we are upset it is very easy to think they "always" do this, "always" do that. The amount of times it has occured has wounded you but it doesn't mean they do that one bad thing "always". Also unless you have brought up the issue before, how is the other person going to know how you have felt all this time, try to explain, you have felt that way before, but now it's just building up. But do not say they do it "always", like it's only started bothering you now.
Challenges: Do not make dares. Do not challenge each other. But if they challenge your premises then be ready to explain them rationally. Do not categorise it as a man thing to do or a woman thing to do. Be exact and precise as to why that is how it is for you. Also be ready to be wrong. Allow the opportunity that you are not always right, and sometimes there is no such thing as right and wrong, but both people may be somewhat right and somewhat wrong, but we'll focus on both being right as that's a positive.
Leading the Argument: Nobody is or should be the boss of the Argument, nobody can call shots on when it closes. It should be a mutual agreement and a resolution is the only way to actually close the argument.
Being Wrong: An extent from the challenges. It is okay to be wrong. Do not feel bad if you are wrong on this occasion and do not berate the other if they are wrong. Mistakes should be swept under a carpet and forgotten about, if someone is wrong, as so commonly happens, let it be forgotten. Otherwise you'll harm the other person which may lead to resentment.
Swallow Your Pride: Stop making it all about the other being wrong, and take a look that maybe you are wrong or unclear. Eg. Do not say "You misunderstood me", say "I mustn't have made that very clear". Stop trying to be dominant, wether male or female, this is not a time to be dominant or controlling in general or of the argument.
Keep to the Point: This one is actually something TO DO. Keep to the point don't start going off track. Know what the problem is, and back it up too. Saying something without having a back up will get you nowhere. Do not bring up things from the past that have been resolved. It's in the past. Do not talk about past partners or mistakes.
Draw Boundaries: Some people will berate you and verbally abuse you to no end. Allowing them to do so is wrong. If they won't talk about the issue or consider a part of it as their fault/issue too, then nothing can be resolved. Draw some boundaries so that they can't carry on without the main issues being dealt with. This does not mean ignoring them till they cool down and come crawling to you in tears and apologising. Ask how they feel, what they want, then repeat your understanding, eventually they'll realise they've talked about the issue without realising it.
Talk about Feelings: Tell the other how it makes you feel, that's how you should start out the argument, not with "You are ...." and other insults and abuse.
Ask Questions: If you do not understand the other person, then ask questions. Or if they are asking you a question do not start talking to them like a baby or a retard, treat them equally and respect that not everyone knows the exact same information as each other. Do not shout or use laymans terms in an effort to directly or indirectly insult them, if you are friends or a couple or a family member, you know they are intelligent enough for conversation and thus deserve such respect.
Respect Each Other: Respect their opinion, it is their right to think or feel the way they do, you both need to respect each other to come to a happy close.
Let them Win: Not literally, I mean it's about being mutual, but trying to have the last word, will mean you both carry on and on and on FOREVER. Stop this from happening by stopping right when it gets to the last word point. And the last words should be Sorry anyway.
Keep a Cool Head: Don't heat up over the argument, keep it cool, this will help the other person to remain calm, instead of it getting louder and louder, more abusive, and more harmful to one or both of the people.
It Takes Two: There is one healthy way to recognise a good resolution, one that leaves both happy. Every argument is different, but for a happy ending, you need to understand there are two people in the argument, two people with a problem, one might be too sick/lazy to do a job, the other wants them to do the job. It is neithers fault entirely. An argument is not resolved until both parties have apologised and discussed a ways to change, so that they can both go forward without worrying about the past (present argument).
Time to Resolve the Argument: You know the time where you are happy again, and you're over it, that time, well tell the other person, I'm ready for us to resolve the issue. Because sometimes one is ready, then the other doesn't realise, keeps going, and aggrivates the other once again, dragging out an argument way past it's use by date. Also Time is not the key to resolving the argument. We are. Both parties in the argument are responsible and only they can resolve it, time will only make the issue scar, but it won't go away.
Be Prepared to Make Change or Alterations: If one solution that is one persons goal of the other, but the other will not accept this, then both should try to see alternative solutions that leave BOTH happy with the end result. There is never just one solution, keep an open mind to other solutions.
Fight to the Finish: Finally, if you do not close an argument it sticks in one or both peoples heads, maybe not there all the time, but it's there. You can't just ignore it and hope the other person finally stops caring, they're more likely to stop caring about you. Closing the argument is the most important part, otherwise you've wasted all that time arguing and being upset. Think of an argument as finding a close that leaves both people happy, no winning or losing, just resolving the issue in a negotiative and fair way.
Apologise and Accept: Accept the final decision, ensuring you both are happy with the outcome, and apologise. We all make fools of ourselves and say stupid things that we may not even mean. It's both your faults, the argument began because someone got hurt, accept that people get hurt, apologise for hurting them. Apologise for overreacting or whatever, but make sure the conclusion is a happy one. Make sure you don't leave an argument hanging. Apologise and CLOSE THE ARGUMENT.
Concocted by myself with the help of information from the following websites:
Concocted by myself with the help of information from the following websites:
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Live and Learn or GTFO!
#1 Get A Job: Once you have the free time for a job, you get a job.
pay your parents some cash, they did you a big favour bringing you into the world.
Hold A Job: Don't go in looking like you've been out all night, even if you have, cover up the dark circles, put on a smile, always do a little extra. Don't be a slack or everyone will start to hate you. Think about work confidentiality, keep the numbers to yourself, don't talk badly about the company to other parties, respect your co-workers and employer.
#2 Get Your License: So if your parents can't or won't help, refer to #1 and get and hold a job, this way you can afford lessons and eventually a car.
Hold Your License: Not in your hand, probably you wallet. But don't be stupid, don't drink and drive, you may live, but you might get caught, don't speed, you don't get many demerit points in the first place, keep to the speed limit, and watch what other idiots on the road are doing.
#3 Get A GF/BF: Don't be a tosser or a sl** about it, nobody likes an arse, be confident, courageous, and have fun. that's the true hotness, not being a jerk or sleeping with 20 men.
Hold A GF/BF: Listen to each other, respect each other and each others opinions, TALK and not about footy or romance, I mean yeah sometimes sure.. but really talk, about what you like/want in the relationship, sexually, emotionally, objectively. This is where you should really learn how to co-exist in a happy way. Also remember to FIGHT and then find closure in the argument, and then have sex.
#4 Get A Pet (if getting a GF/BF is too hard): Not from your local petshop, a farm, and hopefully not a breeder, do some research, ask your veterinarian, and also check out the shelters before making a final decision.
Hold A Pet: Both literally hold and hug, but keeping it - Love it, feed it (but not too much), keep fresh clean water out for it at ALL times, give it attention, touch, play, excite it's senses with smells and enrichment (toys). Have fun.
#5 Get A Life: Stop assuming that friends will come find you and be in command, go out, meet people, have a blast, get a contact.
Hold A Life: Make the plans to meet up, if they keep bailing, ditch them, make plans with anyone that shares the slightest interest in being your friend, don't bail on plans, don't complain about no money, it shouldn't cost to hang out, make time for your friends, instead of them making all the time for you. Just keep in mind to respect job and GF/BF obligations.
So that's the bare basics to it. Now Live and Learn or GTFO!
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
The Written Unwritten Rules
It is wrong to date your exes family or close friends.
It is also wrong to date your family or close friends ex.
It is wrong to expect the other to pay for everything when you go out.
It is also wrong to pay for everything and never ask if the other can pay once in a while.
It is wrong to not invite your gf or bf to a mixed gender event.
It is also wrong to hang out with a group of the opposite sex without inviting your gf/bf.
It is wrong to expect to be invited along to your gf/bf's same sex event.
It is also wrong to invite them to a same sex event (Unless have permission from friends).
It is wrong to insult anothers family and friends.
It is also wrong (or a bad idea) to insult your own family and friends. (Letting off steam is different).
It is wrong to let your gf/bf think they're just like a million other fish in the sea.
It is also wrong to place them up on a pedestal like they're perfect.
It is wrong to expect a BJ or HJ when a girl is on her monthlys.
It is also wrong for a girl to deny her man any sexual pleasure everytime it hits that time of month.
It is wrong to expect sex on a particularly day or date, you can just as easily masturbate.
It is also (kind-of) wrong to deny your gf/bf sex on a special occasion.
It is wrong to force your gf/bf to do something for you (sexually).
It is also wrong to not ask for something you'd like (sexually) once in a while.
It is wrong to tell your gf/bf of all the hot friends you have.
It is also wrong to say every one of them is hideous. (What are you? A shallow b*tch/jerk?)
It is wrong to lie to someone overweight and say they're skinny.
It is also wrong to say they're one fat heffer.
It is wrong to expect someone to shave "down there".
It is also wrong to expect someone to go down on a hairy muff.
It is wrong to expect your gf/bf to be as good as the pornstars.
It is also wrong if you/your partner don't try to improve or you act like dead fish.. where is the love?
It is wrong to tell your gf/bf that they wouldn't like something, just by your assumption.
It is also wrong to expect them to like something just because you like it.
It is wrong to talk to someone of the opposite sex when complaining or letting off steam about your gf/bf.
It is also wrong to talk to your gf/bf when you should be letting of steam with someone else.
It is wrong to treat your gf/bf as dumb.
It is also wrong to let them think they're right if it could harm them, or embarrass them down the track.
It is wrong to force your gf to watch porn.
It is also wrong to deny her from it completely.
It is wrong to expect your bf to only watch chick flicks with you.
It is also wrong for him to refuse everytime (if your watching his choices of movies too).
It is wrong to deny your gf/bf or friend the chance to study and keep up on work.
It is also wrong to deny you gf/bf or friend the chance to see you, and focus too heavily on your study.
It is wrong to flirt around your gf/bf to others, or in places they will see it.
It is also wrong to never flirt, as you will feel unloved, , but do it with someone you could never develop any feelings for.
It is wrong to expect your bf/gf to never look at other men/women.
It is also wrong to do it obvious and noticably all the time, specially drool, unless you want to upset your mr/missus.
It is wrong to leave your friend or gf/bf to their own vices if you upset them
It is also wrong to comfort them all the time, or the upset may become habit.
It is wrong to say sorry all the time, and admit you are wrong every time (generally both people did bad).
It is also wrong to never say sorry, and allow the other to always be in the wrong/bad.
Image used from
It is also wrong if you/your partner don't try to improve or you act like dead fish.. where is the love?
It is wrong to tell your gf/bf that they wouldn't like something, just by your assumption.
It is also wrong to expect them to like something just because you like it.
It is wrong to talk to someone of the opposite sex when complaining or letting off steam about your gf/bf.
It is also wrong to talk to your gf/bf when you should be letting of steam with someone else.
It is wrong to treat your gf/bf as dumb.
It is also wrong to let them think they're right if it could harm them, or embarrass them down the track.
It is wrong to force your gf to watch porn.
It is also wrong to deny her from it completely.
It is wrong to expect your bf to only watch chick flicks with you.
It is also wrong for him to refuse everytime (if your watching his choices of movies too).
It is wrong to deny your gf/bf or friend the chance to study and keep up on work.
It is also wrong to deny you gf/bf or friend the chance to see you, and focus too heavily on your study.
It is wrong to flirt around your gf/bf to others, or in places they will see it.
It is also wrong to never flirt, as you will feel unloved, , but do it with someone you could never develop any feelings for.
It is wrong to expect your bf/gf to never look at other men/women.
It is also wrong to do it obvious and noticably all the time, specially drool, unless you want to upset your mr/missus.
It is wrong to leave your friend or gf/bf to their own vices if you upset them
It is also wrong to comfort them all the time, or the upset may become habit.
It is wrong to say sorry all the time, and admit you are wrong every time (generally both people did bad).
It is also wrong to never say sorry, and allow the other to always be in the wrong/bad.
Image used from
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Lyrics are not the definition of Quality Music, but we like it anyway!
Music. Many listen to it, many claim they love it, and many create it. At the heart of music (because it definitely has a heart), there is actually more depth, more expression, more creativity and more skill involved. These days music is all about lyrics, so farewell to the guitar riffs and drum solo's. [Warning: Lame Content] Has Synthesised Pop and Lame Lyrics killed the Musician Stars? Let's hope not.
Today music is predominantly the lyrics you sing, it's about reality vs. fantasy, global warming, war and politics, love and hate. Music is an expression, the unravelling of meaning and emotions. It doesn't matter if you play fast or slow, high or low, use bass or cling to single sounding synthesised songs. People don't want to hear a guitar solo, like the legendary "War Pigs" guitar solo by Black Sabbath, they'd much rather hear about Jason Derulo "Ridin' Solo". Not to put down such music styles, but all I'm hearing is "Ridin' Solo" throughout the entire song, there isn't an instrumental section, and where they almost climax to it, you hear yet again "Ridin' Solo", like we all really care that he's Ridin Solo. Of course this is a wide contrast due to genre constraints, that being Rock vs. RnB Pop. Taking a more commonly known rock band, Linkin Park, they are widely adored, but if you analyse their newer music, "Bleed It Out", this song represents reality, and the faults in it (Only in America). This song, supposedly alternative rock, contains a very short lived "guitar solo" as its intro, which is by the way, not a real guitar solo, sure it 'great' for leading up to the lyrics, but it is basic, and demonstrates little to no originality or talent.
Music has lost its artistic form, because pubescent teenagers have 'taken a crack' at fame, pulled a few notes together and screamed words that mean something to them. This has been encouraged by many teens because they want their feelings, their beliefs, their ideas, to be heard. They'll say "This song has such meaning!" and listen to it on repeat all day for a week. Next thing you know, it's makes the Top 100. Disgusting. Disgraceful. Unfortunately I admit, I too like some of these songs, even though they have destroyed the term 'Music'.
Modern music is limited to lyrical usage, the popular songs consist of humourous or meaningful lyrics. Although often told I have bad taste in music, I understand the difference between good music and bad music, between talent and garage bands. What I, like many others today have fallen into, is the lyric trap, we're caught up in the meaning behind the lyrics, and forget that riffs and solo's could actually portray this too. Therefore music has lost its meaning, and now has become merely another form of poetry, where only the words are important.
To appreciate music without lyrics, which is intended to hold strong meaning, I'll look to something like "The Romantic Guitar" by Chopin (Andres Segovia's version of Chopin Op. 28 No. 20. made in A minor instead of C minor). Without lyrics backing it up, it means people can make their own decision in it's meaning or value, even if it's just to relax and drift them off to another level of mind.
Whether we look at Rock, R&B, Classic or Ambient, as some examples, we can see that 30 years ago, music altogether was much better, and although we can still discover unique, skillful artists, the majority of modern popular music, is rubbish. The lyrics are all they have of value, they could *almost* (but not quite) remove all background instruments to achieve the same level of skill required.
NB: Speaking of guitars and skill; I have none. But when I hear someone else.. I still know if it's good or bad.
Poets could be making fortunes just by selling pieces as lyrics (in this day and age).
Music, I mean the real quality music, whether it has lyrics or not, requires hard-work, skill and uniqueness, to create a legendary solo, you will need to put some hard work, and I mean.. really hard work, length, variation (that flows), and a sparking sound that gives it it's own recognition, a good artist/band name can help too.
As for other music, without lyrics, or without a guitar, you require the same qualities, of hard work, length, and variation that flows, however, this should also tell a story in it's own way, like imagery sounds.
But if you are considering becoming someone of worth in the music department, take none of this advice, because it is not intended as advice, and will probably cause you to fall before the start of your musical career.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
23 Reasons to say NO to Sex
I've heard stories and regrets many times over and over, by younger and older friends alike. I thought maybe people just don't know how or why to say no to sex. Here are reasons why you shouldn't give in and allow for latter regret, and also ways you can say no. Hope it helps you to avoid reasons for regret, and hopefully I won't hear any more stories of regret =P
1. You are in a relationship
2. They are in a relationship
3. You’re not ready
4. You feel unsure, insecure or uncomfortable
5. They say things like “It's for you, just this one time”
6. “For everything you've been through”
7. “You owe me”
8. “Do you want it to get all over the bed?”
9. “If you cared about/loved me, you would”
10. “It can be our little secret”
11. “Don’t tell [insert name here]”
12. “I will get it from someone else if you don’t give it to me”
13. “I missed you” (Not the same if you’re in love and in a relationship with the person for obvious reasons.)
14. “Come on, give it a try, I’m sure you’ll be good”
15. “You’ll give me blue ball if you don't”
16. “You built me up, you can’t stop now”
17. “I need it”
18. “Guys have to have sex or they get a build up”
19. They invite you to a hotel/camping with people you may or may not know, and predominantly males (No intention of sexism, the same would apply if a heap of females invited a male camping).
20. They come into your room in the middle of the night without invitation.
21. They distract you from things you’re supposed to be doing, eg. Homework, chores, sleeping – clearly they don’t care about you’re wellbeing and education. (Different again if you’re married and they take you away from your chores)
22. If they offer to drive you, buy you something or do you any favour for sex.
23. You’re not in love, you haven’t communicated with them about sex, contraceptives, STDs, you don’t know each others status (Virgin or not), etc.
So if you find yourself in any of these situations, say no, you’ll feel better for it, and someone goes unrewarded for manipulating others into sexual acts.
Saying No. By Claire Daniel
Ways you could say no:
1. I'm riding the crimson wave. And it's the first day.
2. I'm sorry, but my vagina is tired. (Yawn)
3. I put out on the second date. (Wink)
4. I've taken a six-month vow of celibacy.
5. Can we stop at the chemist so I can pick up some tampons?
6. It's too humid right now.
7. You have to earn it.
8. I'm getting my birth control refilled tomorrow.
9. What kind of girl do you think I am?
10. I have a seriously upset stomach, must have been the crabmeat.
11. I could use a waxing, seriously.
12. I have standards. You need to at least buy me dinner. Twice.
13. I'm allergic to latex.
Ways you should say no:
1. Listen, we are not having sex tonight.
2. I have a [insert number] date rule.
3. My philosophy is: Good things come to those who wait.
4. I'm on a Puritan cleanse. I'm delaying present pleasures for future pay-offs.
5. I need your help on an editorial project that I am working on, it's about lines you can give a guy that would a) indicate future interest but b) delay the sex act for at least that night...
6. We should probably get tested before we do anything.
7. I'll meet you halfway—phone sex?
8. Good old honesty: I really like you and I'm attracted to you, but I'd like to wait a little before we sleep together. Not forever, not a really long time, just a little longer, OK? If he gives you a major problem about that, then he's probably a jerk anyway.
Saying No by Claire Daniel
Image "No sex on first date please" []
1. You are in a relationship
2. They are in a relationship
3. You’re not ready
4. You feel unsure, insecure or uncomfortable
5. They say things like “It's for you, just this one time”
6. “For everything you've been through”
7. “You owe me”
8. “Do you want it to get all over the bed?”
9. “If you cared about/loved me, you would”
10. “It can be our little secret”
11. “Don’t tell [insert name here]”
12. “I will get it from someone else if you don’t give it to me”
13. “I missed you” (Not the same if you’re in love and in a relationship with the person for obvious reasons.)
14. “Come on, give it a try, I’m sure you’ll be good”
15. “You’ll give me blue ball if you don't”
16. “You built me up, you can’t stop now”
17. “I need it”
18. “Guys have to have sex or they get a build up”
19. They invite you to a hotel/camping with people you may or may not know, and predominantly males (No intention of sexism, the same would apply if a heap of females invited a male camping).
20. They come into your room in the middle of the night without invitation.
21. They distract you from things you’re supposed to be doing, eg. Homework, chores, sleeping – clearly they don’t care about you’re wellbeing and education. (Different again if you’re married and they take you away from your chores)
22. If they offer to drive you, buy you something or do you any favour for sex.
23. You’re not in love, you haven’t communicated with them about sex, contraceptives, STDs, you don’t know each others status (Virgin or not), etc.
So if you find yourself in any of these situations, say no, you’ll feel better for it, and someone goes unrewarded for manipulating others into sexual acts.
Saying No. By Claire Daniel
Ways you could say no:
1. I'm riding the crimson wave. And it's the first day.
2. I'm sorry, but my vagina is tired. (Yawn)
3. I put out on the second date. (Wink)
4. I've taken a six-month vow of celibacy.
5. Can we stop at the chemist so I can pick up some tampons?
6. It's too humid right now.
7. You have to earn it.
8. I'm getting my birth control refilled tomorrow.
9. What kind of girl do you think I am?
10. I have a seriously upset stomach, must have been the crabmeat.
11. I could use a waxing, seriously.
12. I have standards. You need to at least buy me dinner. Twice.
13. I'm allergic to latex.
Ways you should say no:
1. Listen, we are not having sex tonight.
2. I have a [insert number] date rule.
3. My philosophy is: Good things come to those who wait.
4. I'm on a Puritan cleanse. I'm delaying present pleasures for future pay-offs.
5. I need your help on an editorial project that I am working on, it's about lines you can give a guy that would a) indicate future interest but b) delay the sex act for at least that night...
6. We should probably get tested before we do anything.
7. I'll meet you halfway—phone sex?
8. Good old honesty: I really like you and I'm attracted to you, but I'd like to wait a little before we sleep together. Not forever, not a really long time, just a little longer, OK? If he gives you a major problem about that, then he's probably a jerk anyway.
Saying No by Claire Daniel
Image "No sex on first date please" []
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